Friday, February 29, 2008

Service Levels

The AV Company here has just been amazing. A great example of their spirit of service happened last night to me, and I am sure it has happened to all of us in one way or another.
It was about 11:00 pm and I needed to set up a little space for myself backstage, but there were cases everywhere. So I started pushing some cases out of the way, and two Chinese techs came over and tried to figure out what I was doing.... no one could speak the others language, so I started giving them hand motions and said that I was the A-2 and needed to put a table up.
There was some recognition, and I went to get Scotty to help me, and pretty much by the time I got back, the Chinese guys had gotten me a table, put a tablecloth on it... ran Power and a power strip and then found me a desk lamp so, my position was all setup.
Pretty much the whole experience with the crew has been like that. They have a tremendous amount of labor here, and having that many guys to do the job has made it go quickly and painlessly.  They always have a smile on their faces and they don't avoid us.
It has been a really great experience!

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