Thursday, January 1, 2009

Project 365

I have decided to try and shoot a photo everyday for the next year. I knew this was going to be a difficult task, but I had no idea.
I was tired today and didn't feel like going out. The weather was crappy, and I just wasn't in the mood for it.
We finally went out for some pizza for dinner and then to a bar called The Purple Place for some pool and indoor shuffleboard and when I walked in, I saw some one deflated balloon hanging there from last nights celebration, and I knew I had my shot. I took it and when I got home I was pretty disappointed with the outcome until I spent some time in photoshop. Now it is not too bad.
It was a cold slap in the face about how difficult this project is going to be.

Project 365 Day 1 New Years Eve is over
Project 365-1 New Years Day

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